It’s been an interesting couple of months for federalcheese. I’ve almost bought a house (pictures to come when we are safely past the “you’ll jinx it by posting photos” phase) and the new job has been a transition. I’ve also come to the realization that I am like my father in yet another category. I don’t maintain correspondence with friends. There’s Mark Krames who I was at one time supposed to be writing a movie with.
Mark at the Mexican border following our trip south of the border a few years back
There’s Chris Gomez who is one of the most loyal friends a guy could ever have.
Chris was always a sight to behold at Halloween
There’s my Grandma who called on my wedding anniversary and has yet to here back.
My Grandma and the wife at our wedding reception
Other people I have lost touch with, from left to right: Diane, the drummer in "Tarp" a brief adventure in rock music I was a part of. Andrew Alexander, who has since moved to the East Coast. Myself. Chris Gomez, mentioned above. And Jameson Swanagon who has also since moved to the East Coast.
Look, I’ll admit it. I’m an asshole. As hard as I try, I’ll always be an asshole. My only hope is that my true friends know that they are always in my thoughts. I’ll be in touch soon, I promise.
Don't beat yourself up, Willie. You have a lot going on.
Life gets busy, bud, so don't sweat it. I won't go as far as to say you're not an asshole. Everyone I know is an asshole sometimes. Human nature. We can still write that movie.
Speaking of being an asshole, thanks for reminding with that photo how fat I've gotten. Damn.
i miss you...
easy. . .
Bill-You are one of the nicest assholes I've met, and I miss you too damnit!
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