More of Federalcheese Takes Issue
Does anybody else think Eli Manning looks like a date rapist? Does "Shotgun News" really have to be weekly? I mean does change really
happen that often in the gun world?
Keepin' it real!
Does anybody else think Eli Manning looks like a date rapist? Does "Shotgun News" really have to be weekly? I mean does change really
happen that often in the gun world?
1. I don't, um, think that's him.
2. Has anyone named "Eli" ever amounted to anything? No, Tim "Eli" Wallach doesn't count.
I didn't think it was him, but what the hell, right?
Oh, I wasn't trying to enforce journalistic integrity on the FC. Worry not.
Eli Manning couldn't score with Paris Hilton unless I did NOT start him that night. If I started him, they wouldn't let him in the club.
Goddamn fantasy football! And you too, Gay Babies!
The Gay Babies have exactly two wins this year:
1. Against Bill.
2. Against Wujick.
Yes! he looks like a molester!!! yikes! creeepppooo
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