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Well, my last post was described as “uninspired” and that I might be “depressed.” I did have a lot on my mind such as replacing water pipes in my yard (see pictures below), but that doesn’t matter. My last post was “uninspired.” But I’m also “cheap.” I haven’t “earned the respect of my peers.” I don’t “wash on a regular basis.” I “tend to steal things.” I “forget to pay bills on time.” I’m not “tech savvy.” I often “kick small animals.” I “laugh at retarded kids.” I “don’t know my left from my right.” I sometimes “zone out and don’t remember what I have been doing for the last twenty minutes. I could go on and on, but my last post being “uninspired” and the resulting "depression" is just the tip of the iceberg. Oh yeah, I “speak in cliché” a lot.
Here are some pictures of the “manual labor” I had to do in order to save $2000.
I had to use this to. . .

Dig this.

It was during the "wash on a regular basis" that the lol-ing began, and it didn't quit until "manual labor." Manual labor isn't really my thing, so I found it hard to lol at that. :/
Melissa, are you still going to the Republican Debate?
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