What the hell is going on in the Republican Party?
The Fox News Republican Debate was the last straw for me. I’ve seen presidential debates before, but I have never seen moderators arguing with the candidates. I have never seen moderators antagonizing the candidates. I have never seen moderators laughing at the candidates. Well, it was really just one candidate. Ron Paul. Paul is the one candidate that believes we should completely pull out of Iraq. Not many Democrats even believe this, but Paul has a lot of Republican supporters. Now, don’t get confused. Paul is a Libertarian. Paul believes in free trade and isolationism in foreign policy. He wants to abolish federal income taxes and the IRS along with it. He wants to abolish the CIA. He is pro-life. He values state’s rights over the Federal government (remember Reconstruction from high school?). But he also has sharp criticism for the President.
Ron Paul is America's last, best hope.
Ron Paul is "America's Crazy Grampa". Sure, he's funny at barbecues, but...
Bill, considering the decisive issue of illegal immigration, this seems like hardly the time to do your own "manual labor". Also, that post reminded me of how often you like to employ air quotes.
We don't have an illegal "immigration" problem, we have an illegal "hiring" issue. If we enforce the the laws already in place, the "immigration" issue will cease to exist. I do not want to be party to illegal hiring practices. And air quotes "rule!" What about my use of the . . .wait for it. . .multiple periods? Is there an official name for those?
Goddamnit Bill, you leave those illegal hiring practices alone. Do you not like going out to eat in restaurants? Do you not like our lawns manicured? Seriously, every restaurant in California would close overnight if we enforced the illegal hiring issue, putting tens of thousands of people (read: me) out of work.
I'm looking to raise wages for legal workers here. Sure, a lot of states rely on this cheap labor pool, but America's middle class keeps shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. Now we have unregulated trucks coming across from Mexico driven by guys willing to work for half what American drivers make. There goes a little more of that middle class. Wave bye bye.
"..." is called an ellipses, yes?
Also, this:
R.E.M. is such a good band. I had forgotten until recently, but Jesus, they have some great fucking songs. Your thoughts?
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