Decisions to make
So, I've recently come into some money and I'm thinking I'll do some good with it, which would be a big change for me. I'm considering a membership in a club or organization that is trying to make a change in the world. After much research, I've narrowed down my options to either Ducks Unlimited or Hezbollah. Both have a long record of fighting for what they believe in, but have had their setbacks recently. Lack of funding, too much bureaucracy, a massive Israeli ground offensive, all have contributed in some way to these organizations's woes of late. It's a lot to consider. I don't know, maybe I'll just buy a six-pack of Mountain Dew or something. I'll post later when I make my decision.
when you go to buy your Dew, make sure it's not that "Code Red" bullshit but that it's regular, American Mountain Dew hope this helps
Don't be too hasty now, Red Chinese Mountain Dew can have a place in society. Albeit a lesser one. Snap.
all asians share a hive mind and can only emulate "emotions"--confirm/deny?
Hell, I'll don't think most can PRONOUNCE "emotions."
I have it on good authority that the only emotions asians feel are those of crippling inadequacy, which is why most tend to be of the "work hard super achieve!" type. They certainly know nothing of American Brotherly Love, or any type of love not involving something that possesses RAM.
um. . wow.
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