Tuesday, February 15, 2005

federalcheese is expanding

At first I thought, "I'll just buy up the blogs around me." Then I learned it doesn't work that way. Next I said to myself, "Just get more internets. Duh." The President mentioned the "internets" in a speech once and. . .well he is the leader of the diminishing free world, right? Turns out he got it wrong too. Finally I figured it out. Start another blog. "The story of federalcheese" will be a narrative of my life. I apologize to Andrew as I stole the idea from him, but Heidegger did say, and I'm paraphrasing here, that there are no original ideas. Somebody in time has already had every thought you have ever had. Then again, Heidegger was a Nazi and they got a lot of stuff wrong, so you may not be so inclined to listen to his ideas. Anyhoo, there will be some posts starting soon.

PS - Don't fret campers, the original federalcheese will continue to harbor all of my incessant ramblings about nothing in particular.

PPS - Check out my new favicon, it's a piece of cheese. (appears before the website address)


Blogger Housman said...

Chad Mendes pinned Paul Tice in 1:35 at 133 pounds. Ralph Garcia pulled off a close 5-3 overtime win against Landon Seefeldt in the 197 pound division.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Bill Eseltine said...

No more Cal Poly Wrestling updates please!

12:36 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Dow said...

I think it's interesting how you quote someone saying "There are no new ideas." It's kinda like everyone quoting Shakespeare with saying "There is nothing new under the sun" but he stole it from Solomon. (It's in the beginning of Ecclesiasties)

11:14 AM  

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