Tuesday, January 25, 2005

upcoming changes

I recently had the epiphany that this site sucks. It offers nothing and lacks any real cultural value. But, changes are coming. No longer will federalcheese posts contain useless information like the fact that I was excited today to receive a new toilet plunger at work. Sidebar: the company that makes the toilet-seat covers for my company is called "Rest Assured." And that the highlight of my day was finding out that a co-worker hit a guy in a wheelchair while playing tennis yesterday. That sort of information is no longer going to be conveyed through this site. There are real problems and issues facing the nation and I intend to join the fight. Ah, who am I kidding? Federalcheese will continue to be as crappy as ever. Sigh.


Blogger Justin Cooley said...

Is this a shot at me? Because it feels like a shot at me.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Housman said...

Please write more about ironic named bathroom products. Please don't write about supposed issues of national importance or even international importance.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Evan Jones said...

Yes, I agree with Housman. The little detail—“Rest Assured”—put my whole day into focus. I find “butt rings” and “ass gaskets” have given the topic a sort of unwholesome quality. But the guy in the wheelchair, what’s up with that? Did he hit him with a ball? His racket? Were they playing wheelchair tennis? Did he just walk over and pop the guy? Did he take all he could, and then just snap? These are the details that guide and enlighten us. All this Iraq stuff is so predictable.

2:03 PM  

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