Monday, January 31, 2005

Taco Bell, Midnight, Massive contempt for those around me

I only find myself at Taco Bell around midnight. Usually because it is the only thing open and I can't bring myself to heat that last can of Campbell's tomato soup. Stand in-line at Taco Bell around midnight and never will you hear more inane bullshit in your life. I don't get it. I stand in-line at a lot of places. The grocery store, the coffee shop, but what is it about Taco Bell. Tonight I was stuck between one group debating what Steve Perry did after Journey broke up and another discussing their plans for a gorilla vs. robot party. These are the situations that cause me to question choices I made in life. Did my father have to endure this when he was my age? Did Einstein, Ghandi? How did I get here and why do I keep coming back?


Blogger Housman said...

Other people, Bill, are incredibly stupid. Although I would argue that the Steve Perry discussion does address an interesting question. This is because Journey was a fantastic super band.

12:01 PM  
Blogger Justin Cooley said...

Journey has always fucking sucked and you know it.

6:42 AM  
Blogger Justin Cooley said...

Dear Willy,

Is there a GingeBlog? Because if there is I would like to express how much I am looking forward to Ginger's birthday party. If there is not then I will do it here.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Bill Eseltine said...


4:50 PM  
Blogger Justin Cooley said...

Well, there should be a GingeBlog. It could be about different pajama/sheet/comforter combinations.

Get on AIM later you jerk.

8:57 PM  

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