Wednesday, January 12, 2005

If you're bored

In the wake of other sites posting best albums and worst movies of the year, I have composed a list of good books federalcheese readers should peruse, if they have not already. This is a simple list of favorites from over the years and they are in no particular order.

  • The Brothers K, by David James Duncan. Justin Housman has a copy.
  • The Metaphysical Club, by Louis Menand. A wonderful book chronicling the world of American philosophy in the 19th Century.
  • White Noise, by Don Delillo. Dark baby, very dark.
  • Annals of the Former World, by John Mcphee. Anything by Mcphee is worth it, but this geological history of the United States is a collection of his best.
  • Confederates in the Attic, One for the Road, Baghdad Without a Map, all by Tony Horwitz. All three are quick, but tremendously fun reads.
  • Inventing the People, by Edmund Morgan. Morgan is one of my favorite historians, always insightful, this book is about the parallel rise of popular sovereignty in England and America.
  • President Kennedy and President Nixon, by Richard Reeves. Magnificent biographies of two presidents' time in office during unique points in history.
  • A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving. Just read it.
  • Currently I am reading Quicksilver by Neil Stephenson. Highly, highly, highly recommended as is Cryptonomicon by the same author
  • And yes, I don't want to hear it, but all five Harry Potter books are a lot of fun.


Blogger Housman said...

Hey, I have two of those books. And they are yours. Thank you Bill, I'll get those back to you.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Bill Eseltine said...

no worries

8:03 PM  

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