I apologize to everyone
I am dismayed that this blog has degenerated into a Cooley v. Wujick pissing contest. I will work diligently to quash these kinds of activities in the future. For now, know that I am re-reading Don Delillo's White Noise in an attempt to become more cynical. Oh, and I'm building a fence.
First of all:
There is no pissing contest here--Mr. Wujick and I are entirely "good buddies". We even go so far as to participate in a fanciful football league with each other.
Second of all:
Who knew Matt Leinart was that handsome?
Yes, I know of this league. Hey Justin, did you read the article on "Hitch" in last week's New Yorker? Deeply disturbing, but know that I am redecorating my house so as to resemble his apartment in D.C.
I don't read the New Yorker.
Cooley and I have a friendship based on Karl Pilkington, fanciful football, and Sweet Dick Willie. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Here's a statistically unlikely phrase: "drink their way to comfort amidst the tomfoolery"
Bill since I do not read the New Yorker and it is unlikely that I would be able to procur it in my present location without paying several million won and yet I am still an obsessive Christopher Hitchens-phile, could you please scan the article and post it as a PDF?
tia (thanks in advance)
um. . .give me a minute. . .
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