Area Man Peddles All That's Wrong With Society
(Reuters) Chippewa Falls- America, LLC is unlike anything you have ever seen before. Owner Randy Thompson sells “icons of American culture.” A selection from his shelves includes paint by numbers kits, “Married with Children” DVDs, and beaded cell phone covers among other objects of unexamined lives and empty patriotism. Shoppers can browse US Weekly and FHM magazine while awaiting check out. Thompson’s prize procession is an autographed photo of Paris Hilton and Carmen Electra. There are even palm trees on the sidewalk outside. Never mind that it’s December in Wisconsin.
How’s business you might ask? “Fantastic,” says Thompson, a retired electrical worker. “Ever since I opened the doors, it’s been nonstop.” Thompson opened the store last May with the money he gained from a settlement against his former employer. Did I mention that Thompson’s former employer is his brother, who now works full time for America, LLC? “It was my fault for not putting the “wet floor” sign up after mopping,” says Ricky Thompson after being asked what it’s like to work for his younger brother. Rickey was forced to file for bankruptcy after the settlement. He now resides with his family of five in his brother’s two-bedroom home.
I asked Randy why he doesn’t sell more important American cultural symbols such as jazz music, baseball cards, or maybe something representing America’s pragmatic spirit. “Bull****,” says Thompson, “I don’t know where you live, but this sh** is my America.”
Maybe it’s our America too, Randy.
Once You Go Moor, You’ll Only Want S’More
Baldwin Park (AP) -Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce tempor mollis ante. Cras feugiat, mauris ut dapibus scelerisque, nibh felis nonummy elit, nec semper urna orci eu pede. Integer sem quam, tempus et, ornare ac, venenatis nec, orci. Cras cursus est ac felis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse in orci. Curabitur adipiscing congue felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Pellentesque libero. Nam leo. Ut porttitor convallis tortor. Donec nisi enim, aliquam vitae, mattis sed, ullamcorper in, velit. Cras non turpis. Nullam vulputate est non erat.
Morbi vulputate lacinia lectus. Quisque velit magna, pretium eu, ultricies sed, egestas et, tortor. Pellentesque adipiscing blandit elit. Donec tempor vehicula lectus. Mauris molestie, tortor vitae lobortis commodo, enim enim gravida nulla, sit amet nonummy diam magna eu augue. Nam tempus tellus eget felis. Suspendisse nunc augue, placerat non, accumsan ut, placerat id, tortor. Suspendisse vitae massa condimentum tellus interdum pharetra. Donec nisi leo, tristique ut, pretium a, convallis quis, sem. Cras felis nibh, consequat at, tempus et, accumsan vitae, augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent pretium justo sit amet tellus vulputate porta.
Phasellus nisl. Phasellus adipiscing. Maecenas eu elit ut est malesuada vulputate. In massa. Cras at velit. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus ipsum. Curabitur fringilla, urna a euismod rhoncus, velit turpis viverra neque, id congue felis diam sed nunc. Proin et lacus id nulla lacinia luctus. Mauris massa. Curabitur ac mi sodales pede volutpat posuere. Duis posuere mauris. Sed eleifend pede scelerisque nisl. Aliquam et nunc. Proin vel dui. Sed pretium nulla non quam.
Nam hendrerit convallis ligula. Donec tortor. Nullam augue elit, gravida vel, commodo id, cursus sit amet, dui. Sed feugiat, tortor a pharetra ornare, nisi ante pharetra quam, vel condimentum arcu lectus nec magna. Vivamus ac massa. Pellentesque arcu ligula, lacinia et, sollicitudin eu, auctor suscipit, magna. Nulla hendrerit eros at velit ornare adipiscing. Aenean luctus volutpat massa. Aenean et purus quis orci consectetuer faucibus. Aliquam lobortis. Maecenas eleifend pretium nisi. Integer nibh est, gravida et, cursus quis, faucibus rhoncus, neque. Morbi metus mauris, congue ut, dignissim a, lobortis a, eros. Suspendisse ac sem eget nunc dapibus posuere. Nam varius. Praesent tortor orci, viverra id, eleifend eu, mollis eu, sapien.
Nulla venenatis tristique lacus. Vivamus condimentum erat sit amet ligula. Pellentesque non erat sed dolor fermentum malesuada. Fusce aliquet tortor eget dolor. Proin venenatis eros in pede posuere egestas. Nulla et erat at neque consectetuer lobortis. Suspendisse eleifend tempus eros. Ut felis ante, blandit ac, porttitor et, tincidunt non, tellus. Quisque a ipsum et eros congue porta. Nunc eu orci. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur in risus. Praesent nec tellus. Fusce nonummy, lorem non pulvinar tristique, felis ante mattis nulla, vitae egestas urna nisl in pede. Integer vel leo. Duis suscipit neque. Nunc a ligula vel turpis semper luctus.
Quisque comoedum est.
Teen: haha yeah right
Teen: my head is huge
Teen: like 20+ feet around
Teen: and full of grain
Um, fellas?
I speak on behalf of disgruntled consumers: Weren't we promised WujickBlog in Summer '06? It is now demonstrably Fall '06. It is raining outside. Fall. WujickBlog. Ya Heard?
Maybe I can use the money I will win from the FF league to hire someone to set it up for me. Or, Willie.
Is Willie a web designer? I have heard noises about Willie learning some CSS but I think that that notion dissolved in a pool of cheap beer.
Seoul Saber Rattlers have won two in a row. In convincing fashion. Time to saddle up Clinton Portis and ride him all the way to the championship (not gay).
The Saber Rattlers? Riding Clinton Portis? What are you hiding from? Closets are for clothes.
And I think it was a pool of Thai Kickboxers. Or White Russians.
It sounds like you tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty.
So Seoul hung 95 points on Mr. Lucky last week...
What of it?
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