Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A chapter from my life thus far

I am almost ready to leave for work. I see that my cat, Pancho, is staring at me through the front door. This means he wants in. I open the door to find Pancho in the grip of the neighbor's cat. I am alarmed at first, chasing off the invading cat, but realize immediately that I am wrong to assume malicious intent. The cat is just lonely and doesn't want his "friend" to leave. He is not trying to hurt Pancho, but instead is merely trying to drag Pancho away from the door and from going inside.

I was telling my wife about this when she mentioned that the neighbor's cat was not fixed, that he had "big balls" and maybe Pancho was gay. I dismissed this idea immediately, but it has been bouncing around my brain ever since.

Pancho doesn't ever date. He doesn't even talk about other cats, instead he spends most of his days sleeping (depression?). When he is not sleeping he is indulging in vanity. He cleans himself about 25 times a day. He doesn't even enjoy watching baseball with me like he once did. I will accept Pancho no matter what lifestyle he chooses, but I just want to know.

Pancho giving me a look that makes me feel a bit uncomfortable


Blogger Wuj said...

Pancho always had a Freddy Mercury thing happening. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

6:20 PM  

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