Thank you, Justin Cooley
For finally paying your bills. The temporary shutting down of computarmachine really opened my eyes to reality. Foucault was right, The world organizes itself in a series of structures and those structures started breaking down on Wednesday. For those who don't know, federalcheese has outsourced most of it administrative responsibilities to the computarmachine network. When it goes down. . .the whole world goes down. Or, at least, mine does. I am also glad to see that Justin Cooley has decided to employ a header very similar to the one federalcheese used to before I screwed up the HTML so bad as to have to start over. I like the "new" look.
you know what. No worries.
Oh, I'm worried alright.
You're scared. I can see it in your eyes.
If it helps unsully my reputation any, it turns out that my hosting company had an old credit card number on file. I supplied them with a new expiration date and all was good. Until.........12/06.
This is weird because it looks like me at 6 years old is having a debate with Lt. Kendrick.
Evan at age 6 I would totally trounce Kiefer in a debate.
Does this picture make you feel better?
Is that a ghost
it's an overexposed me. but not overexposed in that neverland ranch kinda of way.
Ah, Bill Eseltine--One of my favorite topical humorists.
one of my favorite things is when you have weed with keef (sp?) on it and you say "want to Kiefer Sutherland it?"
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