Tuesday, December 07, 2004

humble beginnings

I was told to start a blog. So I am. This is to further prove that my insights and revelations regarding everything in this world are neither insightful nor revealing. That aside, it should be a hoot. A word on the name of this page. In days past it was a "dig" on someone to claim that because their family was so poor it had to take cheese handouts from the government. "Government cheese" was once considered a funny term, maybe some still find it humerous, but no one I know. But the term "federal cheese" makes me laugh. I don't know why and I don't care to investigate. I am currently watching "A Few Good Men" for the . . .well I've seen it many times and it never gets old. That's all.


Blogger Justin Cooley said...

Here we go.

6:22 AM  
Blogger stacie said...

Well, hell's bells. This should be good. I like both the site name and the nifty shade of green you've chosen.

2:49 PM  

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